

The realisation that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own — in which you might appear only once, as an extra sipping coffee in the background, as a blur of traffic passing on the highway, as a lighted window at dusk.

a sonder moment in Tokyo

Through our creations, we hope to evoke the wonder and reverie the ever-vibrant and alluring city of Tokyo compels us to feel.

Like the city itself, we endeavour to celebrate the beauty of both old and modern Japan by paying homage to traditional flavours and confections, in concert with more familiar and contemporary desserts known and loved today.

All of our desserts and pastries are lovingly made in-house.

Array of baked goods falling into basket.
Freshly baked bread with ingredients on cutting board.


We proudly source our matcha, hojicha and loose-leaf tea from an independent tea farm in Kyoto, Japan, and have done so since our establishment in 2016. Thus, all of our tea flavoured desserts and beverages are made using high-quality, artisan Japanese tea.


Our ingredient philosophy is simple; high quality ingredients speak for themselves.

When it comes to the unity of Japanese cuisine and the meticulous world of pastry, this philosophy couldn’t be more pertinent. The quality of each ingredient used matters as much as every gram and millilitre added.

We aim to highlight the uniqueness of Japanese flavours through the use of high quality ingredients, such as matcha, yuzu, beni imo, and sakura, which are carefully sourced and treated respectfully in their application.